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How do I cancel an authorization when I no longer want to allow access to information on my account? Open Closed
You must let us know that you have given your spouse or other relative permission to speak, receive information, and/or act on your behalf. Just log in to your online account at www.FSAFEDS.gov and click Profile … Read more…the full answer
The receipts provided by some DoD child care programs may not meet FSAFEDS requirements for reimbursement as they do not include information such as dates of service. If my dependent attends one of these programs, how do I submit a DCFSA claim? Open Closed
DoD Service members utilizing DoD child care programs who have a receipt for dependent care that does not meet FSAFEDS requirements for reimbursement may be able to utilize the Parent Fee Agreement provided by DoD Child and Youth Prog… Read more…the full answer
What is the Heroes Earnings Assistance and Relief Tax (HEART) Act? Open Closed
The HEART Act (Public Law No. 110-245) contains tax benefits and incentives for individuals in military service. The HEART Act allows qualified reservists to receive a taxable distribution of their unused H… Read more…the full answer
What is a qualified reservist distribution (QRD)? Open Closed
A QRD is a taxable distribution of the unused balance of a qualified reservist's Health Care FSA (HCFSA) or Limited Ex… Read more…the full answer
Who is eligible to request a QRD? Open Closed
FSAFEDS participants are eligible to request a qualified reservist distribution (QRD) if they are enrolled in an HCFSA or LEX HCFSA and are: A member of the Army National Guard, Air National Guard, Army Reserve, Navy Reserve, Marine C… Read more…the full answer
Why would I want a QRD? Open Closed
You may want to request a qualified reservist distribution (QRD) if you have a balance in your Health Care FSA (HCFSA) or Limited Expense Health Care FSA (LEX HCFSA) and think you might not be able to incur sufficient … Read more…the full answer
What if my current call to active duty is less than 180 days but I receive another call that extends my current period to 180 days or longer? Open Closed
An order or call to active duty of less than the 180 day duration that is supplemented by one or more subsequent calls or orders to increase the total period of active duty to 180 days or more qualifies you to request a qualified reservist distrib… Read more…the full answer
When can I request a QRD? Open Closed
If you meet the requirements to request a qualified reservist distribution (QRD), you can submit a request form during the period beginning with the date of the order or call to active duty and ending on the last day of the … Read more…the full answer
What is the deadline for requesting a QRD? Open Closed
The deadline for requesting a qualified reservist distribution (QRD) is the last day of the benefit period during which the order or call to active duty occurs.… Read more…the full answer
How do I request a QRD? Open Closed
To request a qualified reservist distribution (QRD), download the HEART Act - QRD Form. Simply complete and sign the form, then fax or mail … Read more…the full answer
Need to call us?
Toll-Free Number:
877-FSAFEDS (372-3337)
Toll-Free Number for Overseas Participants:
+1 650-577-5294
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FSAFEDS Benefits Counselors are available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. Eastern Time.