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How long will it take to process my QRD request? Open Closed
Qualified reservist distribution (QRD) requests will be processed as soon as possible, usually within two weeks of receipt. However, in some circumstances, it may take up to 60 days to process your request. When we process your QRD, it mean… Read more…the full answer
How will my refund amount be determined? Open Closed
A qualified reservist distribution (QRD) refunds the balance of your allotments (FSA contributions) that are in your Health Care FSA (HCFSA) or Limited Expense Health Care FSA (LEX HCFSA) as of the approval date of your request. We will calculate … Read more…the full answer
How will I receive my refund? Open Closed
You will receive your qualified reservist distribution (QRD) refund on your paycheck as taxable wages. After we process your QRD request, we send the refund to your payroll provider so they can include it in your salary. The refund amount will be … Read more…the full answer
Is my QRD considered taxable wages? Open Closed
Yes, the qualified reservist distribution (QRD) refund amount will be subject to the same employment taxes and deductions as your other taxable salary. … Read more…the full answer
My QRD notification stated I would receive a $400 refund but I didn't receive an additional $400 on my paycheck - why not? Open Closed
Because your qualified reservist distribution (QRD) refund is subject to the same employment taxes and deductions as your other taxable wages, it will not appear on your paycheck as an additional net $400. IMPORTANT: FSAFE… Read more…the full answer
What year will my QRD be reported on my W-2? Open Closed
A qualified reservist distribution (QRD) will be reported on your W-2 for the tax year in which you received the QRD. … Read more…the full answer
Will I know what my refund amount is before taxes are applied? Open Closed
Yes. We will notify you via email regarding the approval or denial of your qualified reservist distribution (QRD). If approved, your total refund amount will be explained.… Read more…the full answer
What happens to my HCFSA or LEX HCFSA after I request a QRD? Open Closed
We will close your Health Care FSA (HCFSA) or Limited Expense Health Care FSA (LEX HCFSA) after we process your qualified reservist distribution (QRD). No further deductions will be taken from your pay for the remainder of the benefit period.… Read more…the full answer
Can I submit claims after receiving a QRD? Open Closed
No, an approved qualified reservist distribution (QRD) request closes your Health Care FSA (HCFSA) or Limited Expense Health Care FSA (LEX HCFSA) account for the remainder of the benefit period (plan year). You cannot submit claims after requestin… Read more…the full answer
Will FSAFEDS allotments continue to come out of my pay after I request a QRD? Open Closed
No. Allotments (FSA contributions) will stop. Depending on the timing of your request, the timing of your leave without pay status, and the timing of your payroll, there could be an additional allotment taken after your qualified reservist distri… Read more…the full answer
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877-FSAFEDS (372-3337)
Toll-Free Number for Overseas Participants:
+1 650-577-5294
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FSAFEDS Benefits Counselors are available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. Eastern Time.