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Mar 9, 2017
Deadline for 2016 FSAFEDS Claims - April 30, 2017
The deadline to submit claims for FSA expenses incurred during the 2016 benefit period is fast approaching. April 30, 2017 is your last day to file claims from 2016.
Carryover FundsThe Health Care FSA (HCFSA) and Limited Expense Health Care FSA (LEX HCFSA) both include Carryover. This means if you re-enrolled in FSAFEDS during Open Season, you were able to carry over up to $500 of unused funds remaining in an HCFSA or LEX HCFSA. You will lose any funds over $500 left in your account from the 2016 benefit period after the claims submission deadline on April 30, 2017.
Please note: If you did not re-enroll in an HCFSA or LEX HCFSA for the 2017 benefit period, you will forfeit all funds remaining in your FSAFEDS account after April 30, 2017. To avoid losing money, submit your 2016 claims by the deadline.
Your Dependent Care FSAIRS rules don't allow a Dependent Care FSA (DCFSA) to include Carryover. However, your DCFSA includes a grace period that extends the amount of time for you to incur eligible dependent care expenses and use funds from the 2016 benefit period to pay for them. From January 1, 2017 to March 15, 2017, you may use remaining 2016 DCFSA funds to pay for childcare, elder daycare and other eligible expenses.
Be sure to submit claims for expenses incurred during the grace period by April 30, 2017 - the 2016 claims submission deadline. After the deadline ends, you forfeit DCFSA funds remaining from the 2016 benefit period.
Easy Claims SubmissionWhen you're ready to file a claim, just submit it using the claim submission method you prefer - online, fax, mail or the FSAFEDS App. You'll find the app is the quickest and easiest way to manage your FSA, whether at home, at work or even on the go.
Need to call us?
Toll-Free Number:
877-FSAFEDS (372-3337)
Toll-Free Number for Overseas Participants:
+1 650-577-5294
TTY Line:
FSAFEDS Benefits Counselors are available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. Eastern Time.
Other Ways to Contact Us
866-643-2245 (toll-free)
FSAFEDS Program - Claims
P.O. Box 14127
Lexington, KY 40512-4127
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+1 650-577-5294 (toll-free)