Most Popular Questions
How do I keep track of my HCFSA, LEX HCFSA, or DCFSA?
With the FSAFEDS app, you can check your account status, including account balances, claim information, and last reimbursement. Or if you prefer, log in to your online account or find account details through our automated phone system. Both are available anytime day or night.
- From the FSAFEDS homepage, log in to our online account.
- Call 877-FSAFEDS (372-3337) to use the automated information system.
- Contact an FSAFEDS Benefits Counselor toll-free at 877-FSAFEDS (372-3337), (TTY: 866-353-8058), Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., Eastern Time, excluding holidays.
FSAFEDS also keeps you up-to-date on your account via the reimbursement statements that are generated each time you submit a claim. You will receive your reimbursement statement via email if FSAFEDS has your current email address on file. If you have not provided an email address, your reimbursement statement will be mailed. Keep in mind you can review all your account activity at any time through your online account.
If your claim is denied, in part or in full, your reimbursement statement will include information on what you need to do to have your claim reconsidered. This statement will include an ineligible code(s) along with an explanation of why your claim was denied. It will also explain the appeal process (PDF) FSAFEDS has a minimum reimbursement threshold of $5. If your claim does not total $5, it will be processed and you will receive a reimbursement statement, but your payment will be pended until you submit another claim and reach the $5 aggregate amount, or until the end of the quarter, whichever comes first.
In addition, FSAFEDS will send your account statement (via email, if you have provided your email address) no later than October during the benefit period, which will give you a current account summary, and again in late January. If you still have a balance in your account, we will send you another statement in March reminding you to submit all claims for the benefit period no later than midnight Eastern Time on April 30.